Transparent Anti-Saliva Mask

With the improve of quality of the modern life, people are increasingly
demanding food hygiene, I believe you will agree with this trend, the era
of emphasis on quality services, we will work with you with each part to
be perfect.

Contact with staffs and customers is a very important aspect of Anti-
Saliva Mask. Effectively blocking conversation unconsciously exhaled
spit, to avoid spit flying and cause the customer’s pleasure, for a variety
of industry service personnel. Unlike ordinary cloth mask, Anti Saliva
Masks do not cover the nose and mouth, facial expressions are all
exposed, to show respect for the customer.

Catering industry in Japan and Korea  has a large number of Anti-Saliva
Masks, as an essential service personnel wearing. Many Taiwanese catering
industry who have begun to adopt. Are you ready for a new service innovation?

Retail, Restaurants, Café, Food Court, Food Prepare, Bakery,
Hotel, Clinic, Hospital, Make up Studio, Beuty Salon, Hair Salon.
As any places there are chance to contact with people.Catering industry
in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan and Korea have a large number
of Anti-Saliva Masks, as an essential service personnel wearing.

The beautiful,simplicity and modern design for
Antex anti saliva transparent mask. It is absolutely
fit to all people.

Brand Name : Antex
The origin country : Made in Taipei
Weight : 6.5 gram

We offer a very, very competitive price for our premium
transparent anti saliva mask for the retailer, and consumer.
please do not hesitate to contact us for price.

We can answer you without a second thought. Our
transparent anti saliva mask is currently the hottest,
the best quality, with quality controls, best selling branded
mask in taipei, most of the franchises in taipei is using this.
OK, for our own experiences, we purchased other brand,
unknown brand, or other cheaper in price transparent mask,
they are absolutely not fit to our face and not comfortable at all.

between the tranditional mask and the anti saliva transparent mask.

yes, antex anti-saliva mask is having this function.